Sunday, March 29, 2009

Splish Splash -- Hallie's First Bath

After the disgusting umbilical cord fell off, we gave Hallie her first bath!

She was a bit confused when we first put her in the bath, however, she loved being in the warm water. Hallie would have stayed in the bath forever had we let her.

She shivered and cried when we took her out of the water, but we were able to quickly wrap her in blankets. Since then, we have given her another formal bath.



  1. She is so adorable. I am so happy for you guys! Are you having tons of fun yet? Loved the part about the disgusting umbilical cord. So like you Liz! Love you guys tons. We miss you. By the way we are moving to Oaklahoma in June of July. We'll be about 2 1/1 hours away from you guys. Can't wait! Love Mel

  2. SuCH a pretty little baby, I love her. Give her a squeeze from us!

  3. I love those last pictures with the binki. She looks so content and happy. And it shows how tiny she is--the bink looks huge in her little mouth. So presh!

  4. Hey cute little family! I didn't realize you had such a long recovery time at the hospital. I've been thinking about you guys a lot! I really hope you got my little present for you in the mail.

  5. So I found your blog - and I love all of those cute pictures of Hallie. She seems like a super good baby. It was so great to finally meet you guys, though it was very short! Keep in touch and keep updating your blog so I can see how things are going for you!
